Background Information About Me

Hello, I am Lanny Berlingieri and have been born and raised in Northeast Ohio in the Akron area. I attended The University of Akron for undergrad, earning my Bachelor's of Science in Accounting (Fall 2006-Fall 2009). 2010 was then approaching quickly and I had to decide on what I was planning to do in the middle of my last semester. I have a full-time offer with Crowe Horwath starting September 2011, which gave me around 21 months in b/w graduating and starting. I therefore took the GMAT and began taking graduate courses this semester (January 2010) towards an MBA in Finance.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wow.. 4 Weeks Down

Hey Everyone!  Today marks the end of the 4th week of the Fall of 2010 Semester.  It hasn't gone by as fast as the Spring or summer, but the difference in that is there is TOO much going on over these last and upcoming weeks.  To Start...

Beta Alpha Psi and Accounting Association - We have had 2 meetings, a Pre-Evening (which I was unable to attend) workshop and we are having our Bowling Social tonight in our student union.  Our groups here are doing phenomenal, and around the second to last week of October, I am going to start notifying firms/companies for speaking at our meetings for Spring.  We have around 50 people or so that will be attending tonight at our bowling social and we are building a resume book as well for all candidates for our event next Tuesday - Evening With the Accountants, which we will have 40+ firms recruit at our University.  I will be there to represent Crowe Horwath as a Student Ambassador, as I interned there and will start Full-Time next Fall of 2011.

Student Toastmasters - I had to miss our 3rd meeting this week due to work constraints, but I hear it went extremely well.  Our meetings here have ranged from 8 - 15 people and all we do is improve our public speaking ability.  We have a LOT of fun in this group as it is very laxed.  We need to do many things to help keep this organization alive, I am going to register us for an official student org., and hopefully we will be able to accomplish other things.

Graduate Group Deloitte Tax Challenge: Thanks to some of my friends, I was asked to be a part of the tax challenge team for the graduate school.  Our advisor, and my corporate tax teacher, is amazing and she even let me borrow her brand new edition of a comprehensive volume of taxation.  Our group is all MTax students and I am the sole MBA-Finance student, similar to my Corporate Tax course.  We will stay the night in Cleveland on the 22nd of October and compete on that Saturday against other schools form the area.  It will be intense, so all my other free time is learning other topics that I was unable to learn at an undergraduate level.  There are cash prizes, dinner events, hoodies, souvenirs, etc., and it all seems like a great experience.

Strategic Financial Decision Making - Tues 5:20-750:  We have a HUGE project due on Tuesday this upcoming week.  I chose Pfizer to do my company analysis, along with the 2 largest competitors and we have to do investment analysis, industry analysis and ratio analysis for the company and 2 largest comp.. This will be a very intense project and I have much work to do for this.  I do love being in this class, as I feel as though I know a great deal on what makes a very strong/strategic financial decision and all my extra/leisure reading has definitely paid off.

Financial Markets and Institutions - The CFO of FirstMerit, again to let everyone know, teachers our course.  We had a group assignment this past Tuesday night (8:10-10:40) and I was paired up with 2 international students, which was an experience.  We performed extremely well and this assignment was to prep us for our 8 chapter exam this upcoming Tuesday.  I know Tuesday is a very crazy day: Evening With the Accountants, Pfizer Analysis Due, and This Monster of a test.  I have been studying off and on and feel as though I will perform well on it.  I will keep studying and make sure that it pays off.

Corporate Taxation: Thurs 8:10 - 10:40.  WOW.  That is all I have to say.  With every tax code, there are exceptions, loopholes, different ways around different things and it is difficult to grasp what is black and white, just too much grey in between.  It is fun working on cases and trying to make sure you get everything right on the cases and problems when we do them in class, but even if I mess up, I am eager and anxious to learn what I did wrong, what I can watch for next time and how to fix it.  I am speaking on a current tax issue come Sept. 30th and I think our Midterm exam is a few weeks after that.  It is a great class, lots of reading, tons of notes and just trying to be able to learn as much as I can about C Corps and the code.

Welllll..... WOW.  Ok. 4/15 of the semester is over.  Putting it in % terms makes it better 26.67% is done.  Thursday is Thanksgiving, which means I miss Corporate Tax that night, so I only have 10 classes left for them, instead of the 11 like the others.  This semester is definitely the hardest and most difficult one to fully grasp, as working full time, being involved in 2 student organizations (an officer in both), getting ready for this tax challenge, and writing for the Buchtelite, ALL WHILE trying to do a few extra things for myself long-term on the side has been so tough.  Here we go.  Week 5 I am coming at you.  Knocking down the project and studying for the exam this weekend as well as writing up another article for the Buchtelite.  Bowling Social tonight.  How is everyone else doing in their studies?  I talk to my undergraduate friends, and it's extremely funny in a way.  The work and studies that they do just cannot compare to what graduate school is like.  It is just a higher level of learning and you are surrounded by professors and students that are there for a big reason.  Take care everyone!

-Lanny B

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