Background Information About Me

Hello, I am Lanny Berlingieri and have been born and raised in Northeast Ohio in the Akron area. I attended The University of Akron for undergrad, earning my Bachelor's of Science in Accounting (Fall 2006-Fall 2009). 2010 was then approaching quickly and I had to decide on what I was planning to do in the middle of my last semester. I have a full-time offer with Crowe Horwath starting September 2011, which gave me around 21 months in b/w graduating and starting. I therefore took the GMAT and began taking graduate courses this semester (January 2010) towards an MBA in Finance.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 9 Update

Hey everyone and welcome back to my MBA Finance experience blog at The University of Akron.  We are now in Week 9 of my first graduate school semester and things have gone relatively smooth and I feel well adjusted to the new style of classes (besides a few yawns by 10:15 at night!)  I wanted to talk about a few things today: Business Week Ranking, Leadership Class, & the Week to Come.

Business Week Rankings:  CONGRATS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON!!!!  Last year, I believe, we were ranked 93rd out of the ~1700 business schools and that alone was an accomplishment.  This Year, however, we were ranked...... 76th!!!!!!  A nice 17 positions up is a GREAT improvement, phenomenal if I must say!  I am so excited that our program is finally becoming ranked higher and higher and all while I am experience the education as well.  I think our program is phenomenal hands down (call me biased).  I think it's great because I would say 75-80% of our program is currently working.  Most schools students ARE NOT, I am dead serious.  That is why we have so many night class offerings.  We talk about this in our class lectures all the time.  We are true scholars when one can work 40+ hours and come here at night and earn very approved grades, are involved in organizations - all while improving ourselves etc..  Akron just isn't getting the PROPER respect that we deserve!  I am certain next year will bring new highs as well.  Our Career Service center ranked 7th.  7th.  7th.  Let that sink in.  7th.  OUT OF ALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS.  I was fortunate to really USE the career service center, had 9 first round interviews in the fall of 2008, 6 2nd round interviews and then it came down to choosing a few offers when roaming my way for an internship.  I had my internship last summer with Crowe Horwath LLP and it was amazing, ending with me having a full-time offer.  Who else gets to network, interview, establish wonderful relationships in such a way like that?  Not many.  Congratulations University of Akron - you have earned it.

Now off my ramble... Leadership last night from 8:10-10:40 was great.  Our topics were about Communication, Public Speaking, IQ and EQ.  I love public speaking.  Especially because I am a member of student toastmaster's and have practiced/gave many speeches in my day - I just receive a "high" from it all.  We really discussed the lack of the human element though in regards to communication, how the smartest beings in universities cannot write or talk professional due to Text messaging, email, tweeting, facebooking and the like.  It's really been an obscene thing.  We then broke into talking about public speaking - more specifically - how we overcome nerves,  how to prep etc - came out with a list of around 25 objectives!  We then spoke about our Emotional Intelligence or EQ for short.  EQ > IQ.  Bottom line.  You can be the smartest person with the highest IQ but if you can't relate to people and aren't aware of yourself and your surroundings, success might not be as high as you'd expect.  Being a leader takes a high IQ but even above that - A high EQ.  IQ+EQ = Wisdom.  We had a great discussion about it all but sadly ran out of time when we were in the middle of discussing EQ.  Only 2 more class periods of this left - It's Crazy!

What Comes of This Week: I am working out today at around Noon, We Have a  Beta Alpha Psi/Accounting Association Meeting at 4, Then I have class of Investment Analysis at 5:20-7:50.  I read a few chapters over the weekend.  Tomorrow: Student Toastmasters 3-4.  Class from 5:20 - 7:50 and then 8:10 - 10:40.  Guess what comes after that?  S P R I N G B R E A K!!!! I CANNOT WAIT!  Therefore, technically I am on break from this Thursday the 11th all the way through the 21st.  10 days of relaxation : )

Thanks everyone for stopping by!  Who else is on spring break this upcoming week?  Any big plans?  Please comment!

-Lanny B.

P.S. Today is my birthday.. oh man.

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