Background Information About Me

Hello, I am Lanny Berlingieri and have been born and raised in Northeast Ohio in the Akron area. I attended The University of Akron for undergrad, earning my Bachelor's of Science in Accounting (Fall 2006-Fall 2009). 2010 was then approaching quickly and I had to decide on what I was planning to do in the middle of my last semester. I have a full-time offer with Crowe Horwath starting September 2011, which gave me around 21 months in b/w graduating and starting. I therefore took the GMAT and began taking graduate courses this semester (January 2010) towards an MBA in Finance.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Weekend

Hey Everybody!  How are you all doing?  I am doing pretty good on this fine Friday morning, and wow is my computer just buzzing with things to do!  I tell you what, it is SO strange only having class 2 nights a week (technically only one night the past 2 weeks!) and it feels like I hardly have put any "In-Class" effort so far this semester.  Yeah I have read numerous pages, chapters and articles here at home, but it just isn't the same.  As of today, I have 20 days until my spring break and only 76 days until my semester is over <-- the 76 days figure could actually be lower, depending on when my finals are.

Bottom-line, this semester is F-L-Y-I-N-G.  I am already 6 weeks done with less than 3 weeks before I have over a week off (over a week off because my last class during the week is a wednesday, therefore I am on spring break from Thursday Mar 11 - 21st) Today is a busy day, I am going to register for my first 5-week summer session course that begins May 17th.  That class is Process Analysis and Cost Management.  AKA my last required accounting course that I will take.  In case you didn't read the about me above in my blog or my post, I was an accounting undergraduate student.  Another reason why I am actually in graduate school is to earn my 150 credit hours, so that I may sit for my CPA exam.  But anyways, I actually am going to take ANOTHER 5-Week summer course after that one is over called: Management of Operations.  It is funny because both of these courses I have basically already have taken at an undergrad level, the first being similar to Cost Management(accounting) and Advanced Managerial, and the latter being similar to principles of operations management.  So I am kind of mad that I have to take these courses, but there is no leeway - the University wants their money I guess!!!

This upcoming week:  I have my first ever Monday night (8:10-10:40) course for leadership that lasts only 5 weeks, because it is a 1 credit course.  Pretty excited to get it in and get it out.  I also have an Investment Analysis test over a large amount of material, mostly concerning different types of securities, the markets, how they are traded/bought/sold, regulations, institutions, economic factors and conditions etc., just a lot of material like I said.  I will probably crank out another chapter today, as I am following my eHow article on how to study for an exam.

Tonight I will be going to our Beta Alpha Psi and Accounting Association at an Italian restaurant in Akron.  We will be talking about the position that I will have with Beta Alpha Psi next year, Vice President of Career Development/Communications, and just have a great time catching up and seeing all the current and up-coming officers.  Afterwards, my buddy Mike is having a shindig at his place, so I will stop by and hang out.  Well, I am off to the books everyone!  Thanks for reading, anyone else have any big plans, upcoming tests, and/or involved in any student organizations?  I'd love to hear about it, so comment or message me!  Talk to you all soon.

-Lanny B.

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